Mass effect is a video game developed by Bioware (X-box 360) and Deminge studios (windows) and published by Microsoft Game Studios. The game was developed by Gasey Hudson under the Mass Effect video game series, latest version being version 1.02 dated August 24th 2009 while the first edition was developed on November 20th 2007.
The plot of Mass Effect is a future world of the year 2183. Its default player is a human soldier by name Commander Sheppard, who is still the player from the previous versions, with a mission to explore the galaxy. However the human player has a choice to either continue as Commander Shepard or change the player to fit his or her own desires in terms of sex, abilities and look. Unlike the first mass effect game, the latest version has a word-to-word conversion and the player is torn between tough choices, that will eventual determine his future.
Mass Effect has many new added weapons and abilities, which will keep the game very intense and challenging but quite exciting. For those who have already played Mass Effect previous games, then in terms of graphics and sound, the last versions are nothing compared to this new release. Your success or failure is pre-determined by the member crew you chose when beginning and their loyalty to you as the game proceeds. The choices provided are being; Soldier, Sentinel, Engineer, Infiltrator, Vanguard or Adept. The choice should be good, as some characters are considered weaker than others. You are about to discover where the human in the previous versions disappeared to, so sharpen you skills for a mankind saving mission, which is suicidal.
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