


Dogs as Pets: The Complete Guide

Rex – A Cop’s best friend, every elderly man and woman knows what a good police dog Rex was in that TV Series. Nowadays people name their dogs Rex, in honor of what could undoubtedly be the best Dog-Man relationship movie to have been created. Dogs are our best friends; they guide you and protect you. Blind people use dogs to guide them, because dogs are very intelligent and can find their way home no matter what. Once trained and equipped with the necessary skill, dogs can do anything, including being sent to the shop to buy stuff. The only thing you have to know as a dog owner is that, you know what dogs need, how and when

Types of Dog Breeds
Dog are bred for different purposes. Some are meant for athletics, while other are just meant to add décor into your interior theme. Some dog breeds are meant for military activities only, considering they have special characteristics like sniffing and chasing people. They differ in sizes too, with the small one being preferred for interior decoration. In a wider nomenclature, dogs are grouped into seven different groups. These groups created depending on the capabilities of the dogs.

Cattle herders, to control movement of the cattle mainly used herding dogs. They also protected the cattle from wild animals, and when time was right led them home. Since such type of herding has been replaced by zero grazing, these dogs have found use as guard dogs. Such dogs include Belgian Milionis, Belgian Tervuren, Collie and the German Shepherd Dog. Hound dogs are well known for their speed and fierceness, hence mostly used in athletics. Dogs like Basenji, Greyhound, Pharaoh hound and Whippet are dogs specifically bred for their speed. They were earlier used as hunting dogs, but later transforming into racing dogs.

Hounds should not be confused with the sporting category of dogs, which help people do their exercises. This dog has extra amounts of energy, which needs to be expelled everyday through exercises. Man saw that opportunity, and started taking the dogs out to play at the same time exercising his body too. American Water Spaniel, Chesapeake Ray Retriever, Labrador retriever and English setter are just some of the dogs that fall into this group. Akita, Alaskan malamute, Boxer and Great Dane are working dogs. They help man accomplish his task, like pulling carts and performing rescues.

Terrier Group of dog was known for their digging capabilities, hence used in hunting sown Vermin. These dogs are not very attractive as such, but make good guard dogs. This class comprises of very strong dogs, which do not give up quite easily. Falling under this class is the Airedale Terrier, American Staffordshire, Standard Bull Terrier and white Sealyham terrier. The last group is known as Toy Dogs. From the name, you can imagine what type of dogs that this group can comprise. These dogs are small, and always ‘happy dogs’. They make good companions, mostly lazing on your lap. If you are looking for a small cute little dog then this is the groups for you. Affenpinscher, Chihuahua, Havanese and Maltese are some of those.

Tips for Caring for Your Dog
It is important that you know how to maintain the health of your dog. It all begins with exercises and a balanced diet. Just like a human being, dogs get sick too. This calls for higher knowledge to know when your dog is sick, and seek medical intervention. You will also want to know when the time for mating has come, and the dog is on heat. All this and more comprise principle elements in making sure your dog stays healthy and happy.

Cleaning of dogs should be scheduled, depending on the type of dog. Some dogs can be cleaned every two months, while other every month. Even so, emergency cleaning can be performed on the dog when it necessitates. Bathing a dog is necessary to keep the diseases away, and refresh it too. Regular brushing should also be done to remove accumulative dirt on the dog. When the time for bathing comes, begin by covering the dogs’ ears with cotton. Luke warm water is the most preferred, because sold water irritates the dogs. Care should also be taken to ensure that the shampoo used id not harsh on the dog’s skin, and that it should not get into its eyes. When done, rinse with Luke warm and dry off extra water with a clean towel.

Nail clipping should be performed when the claws grow to lengths more than normal. While clipping, remember that the dog need the claws so you would want to clip the whole claw. There are mouthwash solution meant for dogs, any they should be used to keep the dog’s mouth free of germs and infections. Human toothpaste should not be used on dogs; they have their special paste, which can be used. The same applies for earwax dissolving solutions and ear pads. Still, there are cleansing solutions for dropping into the dog’s eyes to keep them clean and disinfect them.

Always exercise your dog, and dogs love outdoor activities. Most dogs can swim, but if the breed you have cannot swim, then do not take it to the pool. You must also have your dog vaccinated against such diseases as rabies and many others.

Things to Consider when Making a Dog’s Nametag
A nametag is a very important part of the dog’s accessories, which most pet owner overlook. A lost dog cannot speak, but the nametag will. A good nametag should be legible from far, this make it easy for the parson who has found it to call the dog. The tag must also include the address of the owner; this will ease the pain of knowing who the owner is. Some nametags will have the owner’s telephone number, a not very important detail with the address being in place. Above all, the nametag should not be too tight to choke the dog. It should be loose but very strong.