The road to weight loss has never and will never be an easy one. Most people tend to go the cheaper and "simpler way"-pills- but later regret everything when it’s too late, hence endure with the circumstances. It’s therefore advisable to full consult from an expert before commencing the endeavors of losing weight.
There are myths about fiber and its role in weight loss. But, with scientific backup behind it, it makes it more appropriate. Fiber tends to maintain the right amounts of water in the intestines, making your digestive procedure more effective by helping you maintain the ‘regulars’ and enhance peristalsis. Fiber tends to ‘fill you up’ hence reduce your hunger levels safely. Fiber intake should be slowly in going up, adding a little by little as you need to allow your system to adjust to the new you. Sources of good fiber include: Psyllium, Guar gum, Fiber-con tablets, raspberries, kale and most vegetables also offer perfect fiber contents.
The portion for losing that excess body fat is around you, it covers two thirds of the earth, WATER! Water; unlike those other ways of losing weight, it has the natural power to break the bonds that make up the fatty molecule. It is therefore recommended that at average, one should take at least 8 glasses of water daily. If you are one those who find water yucky, adding a piece of lemon or lime will do the trick. Most people quit in there first week due to the discouragement they get, “running all the time to the washrooms”, not knowing that this are the signs of the good things on the way. Most experts emphasize on cold water as it is easily absorbed by the system and burns calories faster that warm water. Warm on the other hand is cool, as you tend to drink more of it without realizing, just do what suits you. Drink water.
A 30-45 minute walk per day can be considered a good kickoff to perfect weight loss. This should start with straight-ground walks then eventually uphill walks. Jogging leads to much faster weight loss, remember, you can reduce weight by either decreasing your calorie intake or increasing the number of calories you burn per day. Any health strategy should include both, but if you want to lose weight fast, exercise is essential and more recommended as it builds you both physically and mentally and burns up more calories. So jog, walk, swim, jump ropes, dance, ride a bike and then see for yourself.
Most people will tend to take a glass or two of caffeine before exercise. Research shows that caffeine speed up body metabolism and this is what will help burn up more calories. Caffeine increases the heart beat rate, central nervous system and general body metabolism. Therefore; adding some quantities of caffeine into your diet will help jump start the weight lose process. However, the source of caffeine in question must be considered and the quantity, a regular user will be inclined to using more than the beginner, if the caffeine taken is from sugary foods, then that may lead to more weight gain rather than loss, therefore; that should click behind every mind. All health issues when dealing with caffeine MUST be considered.
Alcohol will never pass a topic of weight in any context. On one hand, alcohol can be used as a weight loser, but on the other hand it is the prime weight gainer in most cases. Alcohols burns up calories the same way caffeine does-by increasing metabolism-thus causing more calories to be burned rather than stored in the body as fat. Alcohol also increases appetite therefore making one to eat more hence gain more weight. The difference in nutritional content in many alcohol beverages makes the question of whether alcohol increases or decreases weight but current research shows that, the active power of alcohol is able to break the calories bonds hence lead to more weight lose. A glass of 20% alcohol is therefore recommended per six days.
Many, if not all packed foods contain a very high level of calories in them. This is because, fat is easily conservable than any other form of food stuff like ‘fresh from garden’ foods. It will therefore be recommended that for effective weight loss, one should reduce the amount of packed food taken and increases the amount of raw food taken, as raws have extra ingredients like vitamins which will aid in proper weight lose. Packed food on the other hand has very minimal amounts of real food nutrients as some get destroyed in the whole process of manufacturing. Therefore go crazy with natural foods and flavors, and stay away from candy, chips, or fast foods.
Fruits which play a major role in calorie burn up are mainly citrus fruits. New studies show that citrus fruits have a compound called Naringenin. Naringenin is a very effective promotion of weight loss. It is said to reformat the liver for it to burn up more calories instead of storing them after intake. It also has insulin-like properties, hence; rather than reducing the appetite to reduce food intake, it acts on the metabolic part of it to reduce hindrance of normal body functioning. The citrus fruits in question include; lemon, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and many of those with sour-like tastes in them.
One has to check the amount of calories he/she takes in per day, and how much he or she burns up per that same day. To carry a small notebook and record all she/he takes in per day is necessary to evaluate how much calories should be burned when you are ready to burn them. Wasting money on nonfunctional pills is taking course currently in our societies as it is considered an easier option rather than jogging up and down. Calorie counts, then analysis and working to reduce the amount will not be disappointing like those pills.
Eating slowly and steadily will boost the weight loss process. This makes the mind work in the same speed as the food digestive system hence make sure that proper enzymes and digestive factors are released making the digestion a full procedure. When eating fast, the brain will tend to work fast to caught up with the rate of food intake, this will or may lead to digestion problems as many factors will not be considered done in the whole process. Therefore take your time to chew food and chew it well to enhance food digestion.
As we said earlier, the journey to perfect weight lose is not easy but it is a very good one. Therefore, you will need motivation to keep on no matter what. Many will give up when they try everything in two or three weeks and see nothing. Endurance and perseverance is essential into completing a full weight loss course perfectly and not want to backslide later on-as it is very easy to go back rather than go on when things do work out the way you wanted them to go. It necessary therefore to get someone in the same line or has been through it to give you motivation. Without one many have found themselves back to square one or into so called health pills which have effects in a long term basis. Make a plan and try very hard to stick to it.
Bed Rest, closes the chapter of weight loses. Not only does this mean taking off some time in your busy schedule but also proper bed resting. And average of 6-7 hours a day is perfect. Unknown to many, many metabolic processes occur in our sleep as not many of the body functions will be switched on. The brain will therefore concentrate fully on metabolic processes, and these are the facts behind weight loss-metabolism. ARE YOU READY, LETS GO!